1. mamat gile yg langgar kete saya
kalau ikut hati ni... mcm2 kata indah bole saya guna nk describe this moron.
2. mamat gile yg langgar kete saya
oh, did i tell u how much i hate this idiot? hate is such a delicate word. loathe maybe... still too subtle. words just can't describe how much i hate this piece of sh!t.
3. mamat gile yg langgar kete saya
now u get the idea how much i hate this dog crap right??
4. x bleh drive kete sendiri
i know it's just a car. but it's not the car that i'm sad about. it's just that when u have something nice you can drive, but now u can't due to circumstances. so that feels crappy.
5. buang masa & tenaga uruskan hal2 bila dh accident
i had to take leave ok. mmg buang masa btul. elok2 cuti bole guna utk happy times, ni kena bazir mcm tu je. so not worth it.
6. kena keje bila hati x rasa nk keje
ye, hari ni mmg tawar hati nk keje. tp apakan daya. kalau x keje, xde gaji... xde gaji, camne la nk bazir kan kat izz :) yes, i admit it. it gives me great joy to spend money for my son. skarang la. nnt2 xtau lg.
7. rasa malas yg menebal
hati ni plan mcm2 nk buat today, tp sgt la malas. nk buat apa pun malas.
8. tersakitkan collarbone saleh
kadang2 diri ini terlupa yg saleh masih dlm healing process. bila gurau td, rasa2 saya dh tersakitkan part collarbone yg patah tu. if u happen to read this, i'm sooooo sorry syg. i feel really lousy and hate myself because of this.
9. letih nk layan izz
saya btul2 syg budak kecik ni. nyampah btul bila letih smpi x larat nk layan dia. tu yg kadang2 letih pun, saya gagahkan jugak melayan dia. tp smlm mmg teratai layu di tasik madu. hahaha. mmg x larat langsung.
10. being fat
i have myself to blame for this. hehe. i LOVE food. makan itu adalah salah 1 nikmat yg Allah kurniakan kpd manusia. sejak duduk rumah mak ni... makanan sentiasa sedap2 je. susah nk tahan diri ini utk tidak mkn. mana nye x gemuk. friday nite akan dtg ni, akan dinner pulak di chilis sempena b'day bapaku smlm. yay... mkn sedap lg :)
wei, apa cerita aneng accident lagi? kereta ko ok tak?
ReplyDeletekitorg accident la aly. bkn aneng je. izz dgn aku pun dlm kete masa tu. mamat sengal tu langgar belakang. kete xde la teruk sgt tp sbb boot xleh tutup, tu yg x dpt nk bwk mana2. sengal tu mula2 kata nk settle luar je. xyah report polis tp dia nk byr RM150 je. bangang kan. rosak RM800++. anyway, last2 buat gak la polis report, utk claim insurans dia. xtau la bile bleh pakai kete balik ni.