Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wearing LadyCup

Finally, saya dh berani pakai! last month dh test for 1 day. ok la... inserting was a breeze. nk kluarkan tu agak payah. suction was damn strong. hehe. this time around bole pakai longer sikit, sbb start awal. it's my 2nd day today and dh start pakai. hopefully akan continue pakai for the next few days smpi habis period.

the thing is inside me now and i don't feel anything. very comfortable. td my mom called and bapak decided to have lunch kat black canyon alamanda. mak said to be there by 12.30pm. so i should get out of the office latest by 12pm. it's almost 11.45pm now and i should go empty my cup before heading out to lunch. ok la, off to the ladies.

btw, if everything goes ok today... no more disposable pads or CP for me. yay! might be getting another ladycup also. got the one i have now (as pic below) from ebay for RM80++ plus shipping. quite cheap :)


  1. x susah ke wei.. mcm renyah je.. tp mcm nk test jugak.. heheeh

  2. x susah la. aku pakai senang je. nk clean pun senang. tiada lg bocor2. kalau ye pun bocor (sbb x empty cup often enough), ciput je bocor. pakai pantyliner sudah. hari2 yg lebat, empty cup every 4 or 5 hours. senang la basically. aku dh try empty cup kat office. ok je. tp kalau public toilet susah la kot. hehe

  3. klu nk pee still have to remove kan?

  4. mana ada kena remove. aish kawan ku ni. remove bile nk empty cup je. time2 lain nk buat bisnes apa2 pun xyah remove. hahahaha

  5. kekekke.. aku tanye mr google td. dia xgtau la pasal nk buat bisnes tu sume. tp bila aku tanye mcmana nk pakai (aku imagine skali), time tu yg baru nk terpikir kene remove ke tak..

  6. ko tnye lg pacik google. mesti ada jwpn cuma sbb bersepah info, so payah sikit nk carik. kalau ada info yg ko x dpt dr pacik google, ko tnye je aku. yg aku tau, aku jwb la. kalau aku xtau, kite carik sama2.

  7. ish wei, ko ni mcm2 la. nak jalan senang ke? can't imagine. tp ko yg fussy ok je, sepatutnye ok la kan. mmg menyahut seruan 'go green' betul la kawan aku sorg ni..

  8. xde rasa apa pun aly. mcm x pakai apa2 pun. aku bkn menyahut seruan go green sgt, cuma nye sgt la convenient. xde sapa suka bocor2 kan... imagine bila xde problem bocor2 dh, even hari yg lebat. xde rasa wetness dh. sgt la best. hari period rasa mcm x period je. psl senggugut tu x bleh buat apa la. hehe

  9. huhuuu... dah bace entri anis ni dulu... tp bukan ape... ade sikit seriau... macam takut kot... :)

  10. xde apa la nk takut. mula2 mmg la rasa cam pelik je. tp once dh try, mcm anis ni, xde mana nk pakai pad biasa balik. sgt la convenient :)

    skarang dh terer masukkan & kluarkan benda tu... mmg xde hal la. seronok je pakai. anis pakai siang mlm dr hari pertama smpi la habis period. ok je. jgn lupe kite pakai benda tu dh la. hehehe
