Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real Steel

Smlm saya dgn Saleh tgk movie pkl 9.30pm. Dh tnye my mom siang tu... bole x dia tlg jaga Izz? Bila dia ckp ok, terus saya gi beli tiket after balik keje. Hari ni turn my mom & dad pulak gi tgk wayg, citer 3 Musketeers.

Anyway, Real Steel mmg best. I absolutely enjoy the robots fighting/action part of the movie. Intermission: My dad suka tgk boxing and I hate it. Sbb kesian tgk 2 org keep punching each other sampai lebam2 muka. Mcm main laga ayam tp guna manusia. Tp xde la smpi mati (not intentionally anyway). That's why I don't like boxing. Kalau tgk pun, mesti tutup2 mata sbb geli la tgk darah2 and lebam2 semua. So Real Steel is not a bad idea at all. Laga kan robot. They are not alive. Belasah la smpi habis pun.

Other parts of the movie, biasa2 je to me. Ada la certain part yg agak sedih especially the some of the father-son scenes. Other than that, mmg biasa je. Hugh Jackman still hensem but dh very obvious all the wrinkles. Haha. Saleh pun mention smlm... "dh jelas kan kedut2 dia'. hehehe. There's the last scene where Jackman had to do the fighting moves so that the robot can imitate him... that scene agak lawak. Saya ckp kat Saleh... mcm bodo je (sbb mcm lawan org tp xde org). Dia pun agree. hahaha.

As a whole, I give Real Steel 4 stars. Tgk skali ok, tgk byk kali pun ok... but I'll just fast forward to the robot fighting scenes.

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