2 mlm berturut-turut dh CD Izz bocor. Tension nye!! Tp xde beza pun kat Izz sbb dia tido nyenyak je. Bgn minum susu tgh2 mlm/pagi2 buta, then dia sambung tido balik. Mcm xde apa2 pun. Yg tension nye, saya. Pening pikir camne nk overcome this bocor2 issue.
Izz ni side sleeper. So kalau bocor tu mmg belah kiri dia manjang. Side yg dia tido tu akan bocor la since fitting kat peha dh x bbrp nk best [Izz bocor bukan la sbb dia heavy wetter, tp sbb fitting CD x best]. Part ni mmg payah. Nk kata peha Izz kurus benar mmg tidak la sbb gebu je kitorg (or org lain) tgk. Nk kata chubby sgt pun x gak. Biasa2 je. CD kat rumah tu dh diletak snap buttons kat peha tp still x dpt perfect fit. Sbb nye Izz dh membesar, vertically. So horizontally maybe dh jd smaller. A few months ago masa br letak the snap buttons tu, mmg xde bocor2. Best je pakai. Now maybe size peha pun dh ubah sikit, then bila pakai hemp insert yg nipis sikit dr MF insert... sizing pun dh berubah kat situ... CD dh jd longgar plak dh. Nk snap kan ke size yg kecik sikit mmg x bole sbb ketat sgt plak. X selesa lak nnt.
Confession: Selama ni saya agak kedeks. Beli CD hanya yg range murah2 je. Plg mahal dulu pun the Thirsties covers, which I pair them with locally made stay-dry inserts (kan saya dh ckp saya kedeks). Thirsties covers pun dh RIP sbb semua urusan membasuh/menjaga the covers saya left to bibik (big mistake!). Xyah la citer apa jd. Sedih dibuat nya. Hangus almost RM500 kat situ je. Since I screwed up with the covers, tu yg malas beli CD mahal2 dh lps tu. Baik beli CD yg made in China je. Rosak pun xde la terasa sgt. These CD yg murah2, plg mahal pun dlm RM25 per piece. Plg murah dlm RM19 kot, kalau beli in bulk. I really like Coolababy. Yg x best nye xde side snap button. Kena la DIY.
Now that Coolababy yg dh ada DIY side snap button pun dh x fit Izz perfectly, I asked myself "apa nk buat ye??" After a few weeks dok debating with myself, nk beli ke xnk... nk beli ke xnk... last2 decide beli jugak. Hehe. [Debating la konon. Dh mmg nk beli, rationalize la mcm mana pun. Sure beli gak.]
Harap2 ok la semua CD yg dibeli. Kali ni beli semua CDs with applix. I know kalau pakai applix bole dpt better fit compared to snaps. Tp kalau ikutkan CDs with applix x tahan lama. Eventually kena convert the applix ke snaps [tiap2 benda ada la pros and cons nye kan]. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Buat masa ni, xnk Izz bocor je. Lain2 pikir later.
Baru je order and buat payment earlier today. Damage done: RM263.20 for 4 CDs (dlm RM66 per piece). 3 kali ganda Coolababy. Tsk tsk tsk.
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Beli from these 2 websites. Moo Moo Kow from MyCheekyBoo and Drybees from ezMotherhood. Both websites ada discounts. Bayangkan kena byr full price. Hehe |
Sementara tunggu the CDs sampai, I opt to pakaikan Izz disposable diaper utk nighttime. Kesian dia asyik bocor aje. Kesian bibik kena cuci blanket, cadar semua. Kesian mama kena pegang seluar lembab Izz masa Izz bangun menyusu tgh malam. Hehe!
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