Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cuti yg x mcm cuti...

Reason: Izz sakit!

Sejak sblm cuti lg Izz dh mmg sakit. In fact dh pegi follow up pun kat the same clinic before the CNY break.

On 16th Jan, pegi clinic for flu and cough. Then on 20th Jan, pegi again for the flu yg masih x baik. The cough hilang but ada sakit lain pulak time tu - kena diarrhea. I thought it was something he ate, tgk2 it was because of the antibiotic. The doc ckp she already informed me about that, tp seriously I cannot remember. Saleh pun x ingat. So mesti doc tu x bgtau pun sebenarnye.. sbb if I knew Izz potentially kena diarrhea because of that, surely akan mintak another antibiotic. Jd nye bila dh ada diarrhea... bontot Izz akan suffer greatly. True enough... kali ni bontot Izz mmg teruk kena nappy rash. It was sooooo bad that I had to go to a clinic during the CNY itself (23rd Jan). Because it was already soooo bad (to me at least), mmg akan ambik masa utk heal. The doc ckp xde la teruk mana, maybe sbb dia pernah tgk kes lg teruk... but for Izz, this is the worst so far.

On top of that, the diarrhea still x hilang2 until today. Hari ni plg teruk. In fact, selama yg Izz kena diarrhea, x penah dia poopoo as many times as today. Dh la baru pkl 4pm. Blm mlm lg ni.

Selain dr all the ailment above, Izz jugak demam. Oh yes, package yg lengkap. Demam dh a few days tp masih under control. Izz kali ni respond quite quickly to the paracetamol... up until last night that is. Pkl 1am pg td, Saleh kejut saya ckp Izz demam. Badan dia sgt la panas, so I took his body temp - 39.4!!! I panicked but luckily my mom & dad ada hantar the suppository to my house the day before. So cepat2 masukkan benda tu and bg jugak the paracetamol. Alhamdulillah in 1 hour, body temp Izz turun to 37 again. Phew!!!!! Kalau xde that suppository, mmg panik habis dh. Sure kitorg dh pegi emergency kat Hosp Putrajaya. So after that Izz x demam smpi la pkl 2pm td. Temp badan dia 38.4. Sbb ubat br je mkn dlm 2.5 hours earlier, bg la suppository again. Dua kali dh for the day. Harap xde la temp badan dia naik lg. Mana bole rely on that aje. Nk kata mkn ubat, mmg bagi mkn every 4 hours. From my observation, Izz mmg x tahan aircond. So far twice dh temp bdn dia naik sbb masuk tmpt ada aircond. Lps ni mmg kena avoid la such places, at least until Izz dh ok.

So last2 sbb tgk diarrhea x berkurangan, kerap demam pulak, flu masih x hilang and the cough came back... I decided to bring Izz to a clinic again. Kali ni mmg clinic lain dr sblm2 ni. Since it's still a holiday today and kitorg pun kat Putrajaya, pegi clinic mana yg bukak je la. Both me and Saleh went to this clinic ealier and ok, I am hoping Izz will be ok jugak. I seriously don't know what else to do. It has been more than a week and Izz makin sakit ada la, not getting better. Bila jumpe mana2 doc, mesti ckp because of the weather. I used to like musim hujan sbb xde panas sgt, but not anymore :(


  1. Allah hai, izz tak ok2 lagi ke wei? penat nye kot la ye. sian kat izz. teruk sgt tu diarrhea dia. hope esok nak keja, dia makin ok lah. ko pun kena rest la jugak. kang sakit pulak.

  2. k.anis, try bw izz pegi kat dr Nadir kat wangsa maju, wani dgr doc tu bagus, dia cuma ada ari2 tertentu je, kena call dlu tya sma ada dia ada atau x... aritu wani de baca satu blog akak tu, dr Nadir ajar cara2 utk ilangkan selsema, buangkan kahak tanpa mkn ubat... nati wani cari blog tu dah jumpe wani bgtau k..

  3. ni link yg doc tu ajar buang kahak... http://shehanzstudio.blogspot.com/2011/10/anak2-flu-batuk-ada-bagusnya.html
