Lama nye x update blog. Utk individual yg slalu membebel, 2 minggu tu kire lama la.
Anyway, since my last post on 1 Feb, I have been very very very busy. From 1-6 Feb, I was occupied with closing. 7 Feb dpt gak la cuti 1 hari sempena Maulidur rasul. 8-9 Feb masuk keje 2 hari mcm biasa, then 10 Feb (Jumaat) cuti balik sbb I got to replace cuti 6 Feb yg I had to work for the closing. Jumaat tu dpt la tlg2 sikit utk wedding my sister, Amnah, the next day (11 Feb).
On 11 Feb, wedding berjalan dgn lancar but half way through badan Izz start panas. I was panicking like mad already at the time. Mlm tu jugak balik Putrajaya sbb ingat Izz demam because of the weather yg sgt2 panas. 12 Feb Izz still demam and mkn minum sgt kurang. Last dia nk minum/mkn was at 7.30pm. That night dia bgn byk kali and everytime nk bg susu dia akan melalak. That went on like 5 times that night. Keje membuang susu je kitorg. 13 Feb patut kitorg dh masuk keje semula but sbb Izz still refuse anything we give him, I decided masuk keje lambat and bwk Izz pegi klinik dulu. Luckily my mom masih cuti (konon nk rehat after the kenduri) and she was the one yg tlg me with Izz.
Jumpe je doctor, dia terus ckp Izz ada HFMD. The reason dia xnk mkn/minum because of the ulcers in his mouth. Since Izz dh 15 hours xde mkn/minum apa langsung, I asked if Izz should be admitted. Dia kata bole je nk try to bg ubat dulu and see how it goes. Kalau by pkl 7pm dia still xnk mkn/minum, then yes, mmg kena admit. Ye la kan, dh 24 hours perut kosong. Sbb I didn't want to wait any further, I asked the doc for a referral letter utk ke Az-Zahrah. Smpi sana jumpe doctor dulu and dia terus admit Izz. Ada yg kata Az-Zahrah mmg akan admit even kalau kes x bbrp serious. Ye la kan, diorg nk duit. Tp x kisah la, sbb I was covered under insurance and since Izz pun dh penyek at the time, I preferred him to be monitored closely. So from 13-15 Feb, I was in the hosp with Izz.
Luckily I followed my instict sbb Izz mmg xnk minum sgt for the first 2 days kat sana. Minum pun stakat 1 or 2oz each time. So he was on drip straight 48 hours. That 2 days dia mmg penyek so xde la susah sgt nk jaga dia. Masuk hari ke-3, dh start sihat, mula la lasak mcm biasa. Letih kitorg menjaga sbb dia asyik nk merangkak jauh2. Dh la dia masih on drip, wire drip tu bukannya panjang sgt. Doc dtg check that morning, ckp Izz dh bole discharge by noon sbb his ulcers dh mengecut and dia dh start mkn. Oh yes, we started giving him really soft and cool food the night before - taafoofaa la, quaker oat la. I am really happy Izz dh bole discharged. Bkn la sbb dh bosan duduk hosp, tp sbb dh bole discharge meaning Izz dh improve. That's all that matters.
Bila dh bole discharge, makna nye dh bole balik rumah. Kitorg br plan nk disinfect the house before Izz balik. Tp sbb tiba2 dh bole discharge, x sempat pun nk buat apa. Nasib la my sister mmg on the way ke hosp, saya terus pesan bwk bibik skali. Sampai je rumah, 1st benda yg kitorg disinfect is the baby cot. Bila baby cot dh bersih, Izz duduk dlm tu smpi la other areas of the house pun siap dibersihkan. One thing for sure is bibik sgt la cekap and cepat. Sekejap je setel dia tlg bersihkan rumah. Kalau xde bibik, mmg haru jugak la. Mlm td gak my mom tido sini and tlg jaga Izz. I was so tired and alhamdulillah dpt tido sepanjang mlm. My mom ckp Izz pun xde bgn sgt mlm td. Lega sgt Izz dh improve.
Today I finally opened my laptop and decided to email my bos requesting to WFH smpi la next week. Dia dh approve - I'm so glad. Lupe plak nk tnye doc brapa lama Izz kena quarantine tp rasa2 by next week should be non-contagious dh.
So that was what I did for the past 2 weeks.
P/S: Bila tau Izz dh kena HFMD, I straight away called his taska bgtau. Takut la merebak pulak. Bila bgtau je taska, terus diorg mcm "dh agak dh". Sbb nye ada 1 budak br balik kampung, and ada simptom2 HFMD. Pihak taska bgtau parents dia, and those idiotic parents just ignored and dismissed pihak taska cakap "ooo... tu kudis biasa je". The next day continue lg hantar anak diorg ke taska. Bila pihak taska rasa x sedap hati, called the parents again mintak kerjasama utk bwk anak diorg ke klinik utk check. Then br terhegeh-hegeh nk bwk anak ke klinik. Bila confirm HFMD, br la nk quarantine anak kat rumah. By then, Izz dh terkena pun virus tu. Anak dia setakat dpt kudis2 je tp Izz smpi kena ulcers and x bole mkn/minum semua. Parents yg mcm ni mmg hampeh. Bkn stakat x ambil berat psl anak sendiri, tp menyusahkan parents and baby lain. Btul2 menyakitkan hati. Pihak taska sempat lawat Izz kat hosp and informed me who those parents are. Since I'm educated and civilized, malas la nk buat apa2. Nk marah2 sgt pun dh jd. But kpd parents out there, please don't be stupid. Kalau nk jd stupid, jgn ada anak in the first place... or kalau ada anak, jaga sendiri kat rumah. xde menyusahkan org lain.
I sincerely hope xde baby lain yg kena HFMD kat taska Izz tu. Dh la ramai yg masih kecik2. It feels terrible and heartwrenching tgk anak sakit. No parent should have to go through that. Pihak taska pun very cooperative and terus disinfect the taska bila tau Izz dh kena. They have an outbreak last year so dh tau camne nk handle case HFMD. Previously anak2 owner taska skali kena. Dia cerita first time kena mmg payah sbb x reti camne nk handle. Skarang dh tau, cepat2 diorg take action. Very good!
Anyway, since my last post on 1 Feb, I have been very very very busy. From 1-6 Feb, I was occupied with closing. 7 Feb dpt gak la cuti 1 hari sempena Maulidur rasul. 8-9 Feb masuk keje 2 hari mcm biasa, then 10 Feb (Jumaat) cuti balik sbb I got to replace cuti 6 Feb yg I had to work for the closing. Jumaat tu dpt la tlg2 sikit utk wedding my sister, Amnah, the next day (11 Feb).
On 11 Feb, wedding berjalan dgn lancar but half way through badan Izz start panas. I was panicking like mad already at the time. Mlm tu jugak balik Putrajaya sbb ingat Izz demam because of the weather yg sgt2 panas. 12 Feb Izz still demam and mkn minum sgt kurang. Last dia nk minum/mkn was at 7.30pm. That night dia bgn byk kali and everytime nk bg susu dia akan melalak. That went on like 5 times that night. Keje membuang susu je kitorg. 13 Feb patut kitorg dh masuk keje semula but sbb Izz still refuse anything we give him, I decided masuk keje lambat and bwk Izz pegi klinik dulu. Luckily my mom masih cuti (konon nk rehat after the kenduri) and she was the one yg tlg me with Izz.
Jumpe je doctor, dia terus ckp Izz ada HFMD. The reason dia xnk mkn/minum because of the ulcers in his mouth. Since Izz dh 15 hours xde mkn/minum apa langsung, I asked if Izz should be admitted. Dia kata bole je nk try to bg ubat dulu and see how it goes. Kalau by pkl 7pm dia still xnk mkn/minum, then yes, mmg kena admit. Ye la kan, dh 24 hours perut kosong. Sbb I didn't want to wait any further, I asked the doc for a referral letter utk ke Az-Zahrah. Smpi sana jumpe doctor dulu and dia terus admit Izz. Ada yg kata Az-Zahrah mmg akan admit even kalau kes x bbrp serious. Ye la kan, diorg nk duit. Tp x kisah la, sbb I was covered under insurance and since Izz pun dh penyek at the time, I preferred him to be monitored closely. So from 13-15 Feb, I was in the hosp with Izz.
Luckily I followed my instict sbb Izz mmg xnk minum sgt for the first 2 days kat sana. Minum pun stakat 1 or 2oz each time. So he was on drip straight 48 hours. That 2 days dia mmg penyek so xde la susah sgt nk jaga dia. Masuk hari ke-3, dh start sihat, mula la lasak mcm biasa. Letih kitorg menjaga sbb dia asyik nk merangkak jauh2. Dh la dia masih on drip, wire drip tu bukannya panjang sgt. Doc dtg check that morning, ckp Izz dh bole discharge by noon sbb his ulcers dh mengecut and dia dh start mkn. Oh yes, we started giving him really soft and cool food the night before - taafoofaa la, quaker oat la. I am really happy Izz dh bole discharged. Bkn la sbb dh bosan duduk hosp, tp sbb dh bole discharge meaning Izz dh improve. That's all that matters.
Bila dh bole discharge, makna nye dh bole balik rumah. Kitorg br plan nk disinfect the house before Izz balik. Tp sbb tiba2 dh bole discharge, x sempat pun nk buat apa. Nasib la my sister mmg on the way ke hosp, saya terus pesan bwk bibik skali. Sampai je rumah, 1st benda yg kitorg disinfect is the baby cot. Bila baby cot dh bersih, Izz duduk dlm tu smpi la other areas of the house pun siap dibersihkan. One thing for sure is bibik sgt la cekap and cepat. Sekejap je setel dia tlg bersihkan rumah. Kalau xde bibik, mmg haru jugak la. Mlm td gak my mom tido sini and tlg jaga Izz. I was so tired and alhamdulillah dpt tido sepanjang mlm. My mom ckp Izz pun xde bgn sgt mlm td. Lega sgt Izz dh improve.
Today I finally opened my laptop and decided to email my bos requesting to WFH smpi la next week. Dia dh approve - I'm so glad. Lupe plak nk tnye doc brapa lama Izz kena quarantine tp rasa2 by next week should be non-contagious dh.
So that was what I did for the past 2 weeks.
P/S: Bila tau Izz dh kena HFMD, I straight away called his taska bgtau. Takut la merebak pulak. Bila bgtau je taska, terus diorg mcm "dh agak dh". Sbb nye ada 1 budak br balik kampung, and ada simptom2 HFMD. Pihak taska bgtau parents dia, and those idiotic parents just ignored and dismissed pihak taska cakap "ooo... tu kudis biasa je". The next day continue lg hantar anak diorg ke taska. Bila pihak taska rasa x sedap hati, called the parents again mintak kerjasama utk bwk anak diorg ke klinik utk check. Then br terhegeh-hegeh nk bwk anak ke klinik. Bila confirm HFMD, br la nk quarantine anak kat rumah. By then, Izz dh terkena pun virus tu. Anak dia setakat dpt kudis2 je tp Izz smpi kena ulcers and x bole mkn/minum semua. Parents yg mcm ni mmg hampeh. Bkn stakat x ambil berat psl anak sendiri, tp menyusahkan parents and baby lain. Btul2 menyakitkan hati. Pihak taska sempat lawat Izz kat hosp and informed me who those parents are. Since I'm educated and civilized, malas la nk buat apa2. Nk marah2 sgt pun dh jd. But kpd parents out there, please don't be stupid. Kalau nk jd stupid, jgn ada anak in the first place... or kalau ada anak, jaga sendiri kat rumah. xde menyusahkan org lain.
I sincerely hope xde baby lain yg kena HFMD kat taska Izz tu. Dh la ramai yg masih kecik2. It feels terrible and heartwrenching tgk anak sakit. No parent should have to go through that. Pihak taska pun very cooperative and terus disinfect the taska bila tau Izz dh kena. They have an outbreak last year so dh tau camne nk handle case HFMD. Previously anak2 owner taska skali kena. Dia cerita first time kena mmg payah sbb x reti camne nk handle. Skarang dh tau, cepat2 diorg take action. Very good!
yg best nye ko boleh WFH! nauzubillah la jadi kat taska budak2 ni. boring betul kalau dpt parents gini. aku kadang bila amik niadel dari taska tension je bila tgk budak dlm tu stok hingus meleleh je. eiiii mak pak tak bg ubat ke? dah dgn budak2 ni berjangkit. boring betul bab tu. kadang taska ni corporative, tp yg hampehnye parents pulak. sabajelah. alhamdulillah izz dah ok. tak mo sakit dah eh. bagi mama senang hati pulak :)
ReplyDeleteOhhh mcm tu..kesian izz.kesian mama izz,adam dulu masa hfmd kene kurung for a week and 2 nights jugak la bemalam di az zahrah.your heartwrenching is very much felt. anyhow, speedy recovery izz..
ReplyDeleteizz dah ok?? aritu danish pon sakit mulut, pecah bibir, wani ingat dia jatuh, buang jugak la susu sehari 5botol.. membazir kan... nasib danish nak je mnm air masak, tp dlm botol straw dia je... tp 2,3 ari je dia sakit, sbb mngkin dia mnm air byk kot...