Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No more going to taska

Setelah berfikir panjang, saya decide x mau hantar Izz ke taska dh. It's just simply too much for his health to handle. Ye, sejak masuk taska bulan Januari, Izz dh melawat Kids Clinic sebyk 14 kali. That's an average of 2.8 times per month. Itu br Kids Clinic je. x kira klinik2 lain lg. Ada 20 kali kot saya dh submit medical claims for Izz sejak Januari. Kalau 20 kali, average pegi klinik 4 kali sebulan. That's every week! So that's it. No more going to taska.

Sesetgh budak maybe start gi taska sejak umur 2 atau 3 bulan, so immune system diorg mungkin jauh lebih kuat dr Izz yg start pegi taska umur 1 tahun. Bila immune system x kuat, tu yg asyik sakit je. Dh try 5 bulan hantar Izz ke taska, and nmpk gaya xde getting better pun immune system dia. Bulan May ni, hanya 1 minggu je Izz pegi taska. Mama byr taska RM350 free2 je. So dgn itu stop la pegi taska. Baik la Mama byr RM350 tu kat bibik. Dia jaga Izz sorg je, so bole fokus kat Izz je. Tp xde la nk hantar Izz ke bibik everyday. Itu keje gile nk ulang alik ambik hantar Izz ke Kajang. Jauh kot!

So what's the solution? Well, sebelum decide hantar Izz ke taska dulu, saya dh look around for babysitter. Ada la 1 babysitter yg available at the time. Dia jaga total 3 budak je. Tp last2 kitorg cancel dgn dia sbb nk hantar Izz ke taska. I wanted Izz to have friends, so that's why I went for the taska dulu. Taska Izz pun hanya ada 10 budak. xde la ramai sgt. Tp yg 10 je ni pun byk sgt kuman (and irresponsible parents yg still hantar anak ke taska walaupun sakit!). On top of that, ingat kalau hantar taska, kalau la 1 penjaga sakit ke, cuti ke, akan ada penjaga lain utk jaga anak kite. xyah la kite nk cuti jaga anak. Tp bila dh hantar taska, lain plak yg jd. Anak plak yg asyik sakit. Last2 kite kena gak cuti, tp sbb kena jaga anak yg sakit. I don't mind kalau kena cuti jaga anak, tp x best la kalau kena jaga anak sbb sakit. Saya lebih rela cuti jaga anak sbb babysitter bercuti.

Earlier this week, lps dh decide xnk hantar Izz ke taska dh, I know I had to look for a babysitter for Izz... fast! Ada 1 minggu je nk carik. I was thinking nk tnye around kat area my apartment je. Yg pasti mmg ada org jaga budak 1 tingkat atas level kitorg. I met sorg mak ni masa dlm lif, tnye nk hantar anak ke, dia ckp ye, btul2 1 tingkat above my floor. Tu yg tau pun. I'm sure there are more pengasuh in that building, or maybe block sebelah. Dh plan nk buat poster letak kat message board kat tingkat bwh semua. At the same time, saya masih ada no telefon the babysitter I contacted in Januari. Saje je sms dia tnye kalau dia masih jaga budak, and if masih ada kekosongan. x smpi a few hours, dia reply. Cakap ye dia masih jaga budak and kebetulan ada 1 kekosongan. Ada 1 budak ni baru dpt bibik, so the parents dh stop hantar sejak last week. Apa lg... saya terus cakap nk hantar anak ke dia and she said ok. Kata nye ada a few other parents dok tnye2, tp blm ada yg confirm. Since that's the case, saya terus cakap saya confirm with her.

Today after lunch saya nk gi rumah that babysitter... just to get acquainted and see the place sblm hantar Izz Jumaat ni. Nk test run dulu 1 hari before hantar full time next week. This week Izz masih duduk dgn bibik sbb dia blm 100% sihat. Elok la Izz recover dulu btul2 sblm hantar ke babysitter baru. Kang berjangkit kat budak2 lain kat the new place pulak.

I hope the babysitter is... ok. Haha. Really don't know what to expect but nama pun babysitter, so I hope she's baby-friendly. Confirm Izz melalak for the first week, tp I guess that's normal with children. Kena la go through je. Harap nye dgn this babysitter and less children around, Izz xde la kerap sgt sakit lps ni. I hope Izz xde la ambik masa lama sgt to adjust with the new babysitter. Kat taska sblm ni 2 minggu br ok. Lama btul.

Melalui my communication with the babysitter, I think she's young (maybe even younger than me), sbb melalui sms dia pun kite dpt tau yg dia bkn dr generasi yg tua. Hahah. Dia penah keje dgn taska, and sanggup layan Izz ber cloth diaper. That's good. Taska sblm ni mmg x bg cloth diaper ni. Mcm2 alasan diorg bg... kalau dh xnk tu kan. So I really hope I will like this new babysitter. Tp yg penting Izz suka. InsyaAllah. Bole la try 1 month dulu.


  1. elok lah korang decide tuka sebab aku pun kesian dekat izz. lepas satu. satu.. hope new babysitter ni ok la. letih kot nak cari babysitter..

  2. anis::
    ok jugak kalau anta izz ke bs since dia kerap dpt sakit drp taska tu..but kena make sure la dia mmg ok jaga bebudak..kekdg ada bs yg kata ok -- handle breastmilk, cd, etc -- tp lepas seminggu dua anta tetiba raise harga sbb susahla, lecehla watever..my friend da penah kena tau..
    tp, for me, as long as dia jaga anak kita ok, so takde problem la nak raise sket harga tu..just to be pre-cautious je..
