Last night we went to the Floral Parade... in conjunction with Floria in Putrajaya. Saleh dpt the invitation from a fren who couldn't go. So dgn happy nye Saleh terima the offer. Mula2, I didn't think I can go... with the closing and all, tp dpt jugak pegi sbb kebetulan keje habis cepat.
Saleh dh prepare everything awal2. Saya pesan make sure semua arrange properly. Jgn time nk pegi br nk pegi survey tmpt parking semua. Buat earlier so that tau mana nk dituju. Lgpun bapak saya ikut skali, kang kalau x prepare btul2, ada la yg bibir se'line' je. Hahaha |
Some of the indoor decor. Cantik. I enjoyed the time in here sbb ada air-cond :) |
Kitorg heading to the parade. Izz dh start ngantok. |
It was nice. Dpt duduk comfortably (sbb dpt the invitation) and even though the floats parade is a bit boring, everything was ok. The fireworks pun not bad. Cantik. My parents was there so mak tlg jaga Izz most of the time. Izz pulak tido almost throughout the event.
Org tgh tgk fireworks and almost nk balik dh, br ada org tu sedar. Bulat je mata br bgn tido. |
For people who really wants to see the FLOWER, elok pegi siang2. Mlm2 x nmpk apa sgt, especially utk flowers yg outdoor. Yg indoor semua xde masalah sbb ada lampu. For me, I prefer pegi mlm sbb siang2 sgt la PANAS. Last year kitorg pegi siang, kejap je saya tahan. Lps tu sibuk ajak Saleh balik. Dia pun tension sbb x dpt ambik gambar bunga. Haha. Bottom line, mmg panas sgt2 la. Kalau kata make-up cair tu understatement sgt2 la. Hahahah.
Anyway, it was a great evening. Balik tu mmg penat x ingat. Izz x penat sbb dh tido lama masa parade tu. Pkl 12am tgk dia bkn main ligat lg, saya terus masukkan je dia dlm cot. x kire la dia nk ke xnk. Tinggal dia sorg2 dlm 10 min, then x dgr apa dh. Pegi intai, tgk dh tido. Bagus. Then saya smbg buat itu ini, last2 almost pkl 1am br tido. Pg td of course terbangun lmbt. Until now, lemau, letih and ngantok.
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