Monday, January 27, 2014

My new gadget - Olympus Tough TG 610

Ada reason beli. Main reason of course sbb kamera lama dh hilang. Last 2 years I moved a lot. Back into my parents' house then moved out again to Putra Heights. So xtau hilang di mana exactly. I loved that Ixus very much. Nice and compact.

Another reason nk beli sbb Izz always hog my handphone. Kalau ikutkan I don't really need a camera sbb hp dh ada camera, but that's not always the case. Kalau Izz tgh dok layan Oggy, confirm la I cannot use the hp. Nk call kejap pun dia dh merengek nk hp tu balik, apatah kalau nk ambik gambar. Selera nk ambik gambar pun bole hilang kalau dia start melalak. Tu blm masa hp habis battery. Izz jugak punca nye. Layan youtube continuously, mmg cepat la battery KO.

So a few months back I started to google for a new camera. Wanted to get an Ixus again since I really liked my old one, tp tgk harga... hmmm mahal. Nowadays anything above RM500 for something that I don't really NEED is considered expensive. I'm a realist. I know for a fact that camera is not something you need but it's something that you WANT. People nowadays confuse between these 2 so that's why sentiasa rasa x cukup. Dh ada mcm2 tp still x cukup. Sbb ni la. Let's not go off topic here. Hehe.

Anyway, google punye google punye google... last2 I decided to buy that one. Olympus Tough TG-610. Mcm2 review dh tgk last2 ok, that's the one. Antara sbb I chose that one:
1. Waterproof
2. Shockproof
3. Freezeproof
4. Etc

Those 3 criteria really win me over. Kalau setakat nk gambar yg ok2, zaman sekarang ni dh byk camera murah2 with nice and acceptable photo quality. So kalau nk a decent point and shoot camera, I could've gotten one with less than RM150. Tapi bila pikir balik, xkan nk yg murah sgt kan. Maybe ambik la yg lebih features sikit since my budget is around RM500.

After many many many considerations, I decided to get one with waterproof feature. Sbb nye in Dec last year, Aimi and I took Izz to i-City waterpark. Since both of us masuk air dgn Izz, none of us had a camera or hp with us. xde langsung gambar kitorg kat sana. Then, also in Dec, I took Izz to a pool in Putrajaya. Sama citer. Since I was alone with Izz, mmg xde gambar langsung la. That's what triggered the desire for a waterproof camera. Asal mandi manda x bole nk bergambar. Takut camera/hp masuk air. Ada org kata beli je casing for camera. A proper one mahal la sikit. Beli yg murah sikit mcm plastik tu kata nye ada issue fogging. Jd utk menyenangkan cerita, beli terus yg mmg bole bwk masuk air.

Lps dh decide nk beli that Olympus, terus la place order kat Lazada. According to the website, it's less 60% from retail price. Harga asal mahal jugak tp since this camera was launched in 2011, make sense jugak la harga dh turun skarang. Tp x smpi a few days later, a rep from Lazada ckp dh habis stok so diorg akan refund. Sedih nye masa tu sbb penat spend time dgn google. Tp nasib baik x give up mcm tu je. Google lg selain Lazada mana lg nk beli online kat M'sia ni. Terjumpe Harga mahal sikit but still doesn't exceed RM500. Terus place order and after a week or so dpt dh. So far blm test dlm air lg. Soon!

x perasan terbalik pulak camera nye. lense supposed to be on top. size compared to RM10 note.

tebal, tp xpe. durability matters.

In my last 2 posts, the photos come from this camera.

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