Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cloth pantyliner

Since I started sewing a few days ago, I have completed 6 cloth pantyliners (some nice and some horrible looking) and have worn one of them yesterday. Unfortunately, it caused a bit of discomfort. Not sure if it's caused by the materials or something else. The materials I used were just flannel, microfiber cloth and velvet. I got this list of materials from another blog and the blogger doesn't seem to have any problems using the same materials. She also sews her own cloth pantyliners and pads. http://yuitsumuni.com/2010/05/25/diy-pantyliner/

I included microfiber cloth as one of the materials for my pantyliner as it is good at keeping the skin dry. I also know what microfiber shouldn't touch the skin directly as it can cause the skin to be too dry, and it didn't touch my skin directly as I made it as an inner layer in between the flannels. Velvet didn't touch my skin at all. The most direct material that touched my skin was flannel, but I doubt it's flannel coz it's just cotton! So, my best bet would be the microfiber. Probably made my skin too dry and irritate it. I read that microfiber could cause diaper rashes on babies due to being too dry, but didn't think my skin is as sensitive as a baby's skin!

Out of the 6 pantyliners completed, 4 was made using microfiber. What a waste! The other 2 were made using only flannel and velvet, and are still outside - hung to dry. Will try those once they are ready for wear. I really hope that microfiber is the culprit. I liked the feel of wearing cloth pantyliner. It was very comfortable initially. So today I'm back to wearing my disposable pantyliner. I don't want to be wearing the cloth pantyliner with microfiber and cause further damage to my skin.

For now, my cloth pantyliner project will be put on hold. Will continue to sew it again once I know what materials really suit my skin.

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