Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Duit raya - simpan mana??

The title refers to Izz's duit raya. I'm sure a lot of other children also received huge amounts of duit raya. Reminder to the parents, be sure to save the money. Try not to spend it. Mmg bole & justifiable kalau nk spend the money for the child... utk beli brg dia jugak, but it's best not to use it for that purpose. Better simpan aje.

I myself haven't actually opened any account for Izz. I know there are various types of savings available tp is there any that provides return as good as the ASB? I know about ASB's a/c remaja, but ada x for babies? Since I know for a fact that ASB provides good ROI (kire ok la for low risk investment), I just put all Izz's money into my ASB a/c. anak sorg bole la buat campur aduk semua. later bole kire balik.

psl insurance, itu sejak Izz 1 bulan dh ada dh. health & education plan cenggitu. ada yg kata better asingkan insurance health dgn education tu. buat masa ni, x mampu la ye sbb duit pun terhad. kena la ambik yg combined punye. kalau ada rezeki later bole la ambik yg separate. anyway, Izz punye insurance premium pun dh lebih dr mine skarang ni. haha. sbb nye perlu ambik kira psl inflation later.

so kalau sapa2 ada info psl jenis savings yg bole provide return as good as ASB, or kalau ASB ada a/c for babies, please let me know ye. dh try google, hanya bbrp jenis savings je yg jumpe. Cth nya SSPN, bank savings a/c, bank education a/c, insurance. sama je lebih kurang mcm yg saya sedia maklum. is there anything else i don't know about?

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