Yep, I guess I am pretty obsessed with it, and basically there are 2 parts of it.
1. The diapers (cloth/disposable)
2. Izz's diaper area
Masa Izz blm lahir lg dh start obsessed with cloth diapers. Before beranak dh build up stash. Mula2 dulu beli Thirsties duo wrap and 20 stay dry inserts (locally made). Lama jugak pakai tu. Smpi habis rosak la all 5 duo wraps sbb day in day out bibik ampai bwh sinaran terik matahari.
After one point bila duo wraps dh rosak and dh agak bosan pakai cover and insert, pakaikan pulak Izz pocket diapers. Coolababy best masa tu sbb Izz blm lasak. Microfleece sgt lembut and kulit Izz pun sesuai. Tempoh pakai Coolababy lebih lama dr the duo wraps. Tp skarang x pakai dh sbb Izz dh lasak, so fitting x ok. Semua Coolababy ada disimpan elok2 dlm almari.
In between the Thirsties and Coolababy, ada la pakaikan Izz fitted but I didn't like it. Pakai kejap je.
Lps tempoh Coolababy, Izz start masuk taska. Taska x galakkan pakai CD sbb leceh kata nya. Mmg leceh la kalau ada ramai budak nk jaga. No argument there.
Bila dh x sibuk beli CDs, start beli stok disposable plak. Izz masa newborn pernah pakai Huggies and it's OK for him, kitorg mmg xde try brand lain kat dia. So kitorg start stoking up Huggies Dry Comfort. Then lps bbrp episode Izz sakit, kena diarrhea and diaper rash... kitorg start stoking up Huggies Ultra pulak. Lebih elok for diaper rash la kalau ikutkan.
Stakat hari ni, kitorg ada 6 packs M66 Huggies Dry Comfort and 4 packs M64 Huggies Ultra... in total 652 diapers! I know it's all my fault. Kalau nmpk murah, mesti nk beli a few packs. Plg sikit 3 packs... tu yg berlambak-lambak tu. Tiap2 hari normal Izz akan pakai plg byk 5 diapers... so that stok can last us 130 days (4 bln lebih). Just hoping in that 4 bln lebih, Izz masih bole pakai size M. Maximum weight range is 10kg for M size, and skarang Izz dh 9.2kg.
At the moment, mmg Izz jarang berCD dh. Mlm2 pun kadang2 je. Mlm2 pakai either BumGenius or Moo Moo Kow (BumGenius lg best).
Bila dh lama x berCD, and bila start tgk2 CD balik... mula la rasa rindu nk CDkan Izz balik. Pakai CD sgt comel. Kalau ikutkan mmg malas nk buat laundry for the CD, tp sbb cantik punye psl... hati ni terus berkobar-kobar gitu. Saya senang, kalau dh mmg nk something tu... mmg terus commit je. Jd dgn itu, a few weeks ago, saya start building up CD stash semula. Start slowly, beli sikit2 and kali ni beli imported CDs shj... dgn harapan fitting ok and bole la tahan lama (kena jaga sendiri lps ni, x bole lps tgn kat bibik... hehehe). x lama lg, saya akan dpt these CDs.
Since I liked the AI2 concept previously, I guess I'll stick to that. Senang pun ye.
Not sure if there are any other parents (yg saya kenal) yg ada baby who has gone through so much down there... but believe me, mmg Izz's diaper area has gone through a lot!
Time2 biasa, masa diaper area Izz xde apa problem, kitorg pakaikan Izz Bepanthen. Sgt sesuai dgn kulit dia. Tp tu la, Bepanthen ni hanya ok utk time yg mmg xde problem. Kalau dh ada problem, mmg x bole buat apa. So basically Bepanthen hanya elok to prevent diaper rash/irritation, not to treat.
The very first incident relating to Izz's diaper area bila bibik pakaikan insert microfiber direct kat kulit Izz. Habis melecet. Tp sbb x terlalu teruk, a few application of calamine lotion mampu hilangkan the redness... w/pun mula2 tu menjerit bagai nk rak sbb pedih. Down the road, bila jumpe ramai doctors/pediatrician... diorg x recommend langsung pakai calamine. Siap tnye siapa suruh lg. Hahaha. After that mmg x pakai dh sbb Izz's cases sgt severe. Calamine mmg x bole buat apa.
Then Izz sakit, and he was on antibiotic. AB caused his bowel system to go haywire and kena cirit. Bila dh kena cirit, mula la melecet bwh tu. Penat try mcm2 tp semua x berhasil. Siap pegi KPMC time CNY to get something for the rash. Dpt la zinc cream tp by then sbb dh teruk sgt rash nye, smpi dh kena infection. It was no longer a normal diaper rash, tp yeast rash. Patut la pakai zinc cream for 5 days tp xde improvement langsung. Pegi KPMC again, the doctor bg miconzole/clotrimazole cream. Pakai for a week tp alahai... masih ada lg yeast infection. Sgt la slow nk baik.
Then I started to google more on yeast rash and read about CJ's BUTTer. Carik punye carik... tgk2 hanya Bamboolite shj yg jual kat Malaysia ni. Order online and smpi after a few days. Pakai 3 hari, terus hilang yeast rash. Alhamdulillah sgt2! After that, I wass hooked on CJ's BUTTer.
Lps dh elok yeast rash, saya smbg pakai CJ's BUTTer kat Izz at every diaper change. x pakai Bepanthen dh. Tp then Izz sakit balik, kena cirit balik and CJ's BUTTer is just not doing enough as a barrier. Maybe utk yeast sgt berkesan, but not as a barrier cream. Time Izz kena yeast dulu, cirit dh xde. Maybe sbb tu pakai BUTTer ok je. Time cirit ada, x bole pakai BUTTer. Sbb saya pakaikan gak BUTTer, x lama lps tu melecet balik diaper area Izz.
Time tu Izz was hospitalized and doctor suruh pakai zinc cream. Byk gile dia bg. Dia suruh salut bwh tu. Alhamdulillah OK, w/pun slow nk baik btul. At least Izz x nangis everytime tukar diaper. Zinc cream mmg sgt2 bagus as a barrier. I know that now.
Apa2 ubat pun, w/pun ingredient sama... x semua is effective as the other. Kena tgk kualiti jugak. Since I know that zinc cream is good for Izz, especially time dia cirit, I decided to look for the ultimate zinc cream. Not only as a good barrier, but helps with healing as well. Last2 I ordered from Amazon. Kwn Amnah tlg pos ke Malaysia. Sbb nk cepat, the shipping cost was more than double the product price. Lantak la kan. Kesian sgt tgk bontot Izz.
Alhamdulillah mmg berkesan utk Izz. xde la rasa rugi sgt. Since I bought the economy size, dpt la tub yg besar gedabak. Unfortunately expiry date bln 9 thn ni. Sabar je la Amazon bg stok lama. Cam siot je! Disbb kan tu, skarang ni tiap2 hari pakai Dr. Smith's. Itu pun rasa xkan sempat habiskan by Sept 2012. Haha. x kisah la.
I did mention nk start pakaikan Izz CD balik... so kalau ikutkan zinc cream mmg x CD friendly. Kalau nk pakai gak kena ada liner so that CD x kena the cream. Biasa la kan, bila dh mcm tu... mula la timbul rasa malas nk pakai liner bagai dgn CD. So saya decide carik diaper cream yg CD friendly. Bepanthen and CJ's BUTTer are diaper friendly tp both ada kelemahan masing2. I want something equivalent to Dr. Smith but CD friendly. Bole x? Haha. Google punye google, terbaca psl Grandma El's. Blm terbukti lg yg it's as good as Dr. Smith's tp kalau x cuba mana nk tau kan.
Kat Malaysia xde jual Grandma El's for the time being (ada 1 online shop jual tp dh habis stok). I bought this from Singapore and I got a discount. Lg murah dr yg jual kat US. Yay! Benda nye br smpi hari ni...bole la nk try mlm ni kalau nak. Itu pun kalau Izz berCD mlm ni. Kalau pakai Huggies, pakai Dr. Smith's sudah.
So that's my journey diapering Izz so far.
1. The diapers (cloth/disposable)
2. Izz's diaper area
Masa Izz blm lahir lg dh start obsessed with cloth diapers. Before beranak dh build up stash. Mula2 dulu beli Thirsties duo wrap and 20 stay dry inserts (locally made). Lama jugak pakai tu. Smpi habis rosak la all 5 duo wraps sbb day in day out bibik ampai bwh sinaran terik matahari.
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Izz had all colors plus a blue one - all gone |
After one point bila duo wraps dh rosak and dh agak bosan pakai cover and insert, pakaikan pulak Izz pocket diapers. Coolababy best masa tu sbb Izz blm lasak. Microfleece sgt lembut and kulit Izz pun sesuai. Tempoh pakai Coolababy lebih lama dr the duo wraps. Tp skarang x pakai dh sbb Izz dh lasak, so fitting x ok. Semua Coolababy ada disimpan elok2 dlm almari.
Izz has all except the pink and white one |
In between the Thirsties and Coolababy, ada la pakaikan Izz fitted but I didn't like it. Pakai kejap je.
Lps tempoh Coolababy, Izz start masuk taska. Taska x galakkan pakai CD sbb leceh kata nya. Mmg leceh la kalau ada ramai budak nk jaga. No argument there.
Bila dh x sibuk beli CDs, start beli stok disposable plak. Izz masa newborn pernah pakai Huggies and it's OK for him, kitorg mmg xde try brand lain kat dia. So kitorg start stoking up Huggies Dry Comfort. Then lps bbrp episode Izz sakit, kena diarrhea and diaper rash... kitorg start stoking up Huggies Ultra pulak. Lebih elok for diaper rash la kalau ikutkan.
Stakat hari ni, kitorg ada 6 packs M66 Huggies Dry Comfort and 4 packs M64 Huggies Ultra... in total 652 diapers! I know it's all my fault. Kalau nmpk murah, mesti nk beli a few packs. Plg sikit 3 packs... tu yg berlambak-lambak tu. Tiap2 hari normal Izz akan pakai plg byk 5 diapers... so that stok can last us 130 days (4 bln lebih). Just hoping in that 4 bln lebih, Izz masih bole pakai size M. Maximum weight range is 10kg for M size, and skarang Izz dh 9.2kg.
At the moment, mmg Izz jarang berCD dh. Mlm2 pun kadang2 je. Mlm2 pakai either BumGenius or Moo Moo Kow (BumGenius lg best).
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Izz has only 2 - zinnia and ribbit |
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Izz has only 2 also - mint green and sage |
Bila dh lama x berCD, and bila start tgk2 CD balik... mula la rasa rindu nk CDkan Izz balik. Pakai CD sgt comel. Kalau ikutkan mmg malas nk buat laundry for the CD, tp sbb cantik punye psl... hati ni terus berkobar-kobar gitu. Saya senang, kalau dh mmg nk something tu... mmg terus commit je. Jd dgn itu, a few weeks ago, saya start building up CD stash semula. Start slowly, beli sikit2 and kali ni beli imported CDs shj... dgn harapan fitting ok and bole la tahan lama (kena jaga sendiri lps ni, x bole lps tgn kat bibik... hehehe). x lama lg, saya akan dpt these CDs.
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Izz will have all designs except the butterflies and baby blooms |
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Haven't purchased yet - but most probably will take 3 designs. Amnah's friend will buy and bring back from US in May :) |
Since I liked the AI2 concept previously, I guess I'll stick to that. Senang pun ye.
Not sure if there are any other parents (yg saya kenal) yg ada baby who has gone through so much down there... but believe me, mmg Izz's diaper area has gone through a lot!
Time2 biasa, masa diaper area Izz xde apa problem, kitorg pakaikan Izz Bepanthen. Sgt sesuai dgn kulit dia. Tp tu la, Bepanthen ni hanya ok utk time yg mmg xde problem. Kalau dh ada problem, mmg x bole buat apa. So basically Bepanthen hanya elok to prevent diaper rash/irritation, not to treat.
Then Izz sakit, and he was on antibiotic. AB caused his bowel system to go haywire and kena cirit. Bila dh kena cirit, mula la melecet bwh tu. Penat try mcm2 tp semua x berhasil. Siap pegi KPMC time CNY to get something for the rash. Dpt la zinc cream tp by then sbb dh teruk sgt rash nye, smpi dh kena infection. It was no longer a normal diaper rash, tp yeast rash. Patut la pakai zinc cream for 5 days tp xde improvement langsung. Pegi KPMC again, the doctor bg miconzole/clotrimazole cream. Pakai for a week tp alahai... masih ada lg yeast infection. Sgt la slow nk baik.
Then I started to google more on yeast rash and read about CJ's BUTTer. Carik punye carik... tgk2 hanya Bamboolite shj yg jual kat Malaysia ni. Order online and smpi after a few days. Pakai 3 hari, terus hilang yeast rash. Alhamdulillah sgt2! After that, I wass hooked on CJ's BUTTer.
Lps dh elok yeast rash, saya smbg pakai CJ's BUTTer kat Izz at every diaper change. x pakai Bepanthen dh. Tp then Izz sakit balik, kena cirit balik and CJ's BUTTer is just not doing enough as a barrier. Maybe utk yeast sgt berkesan, but not as a barrier cream. Time Izz kena yeast dulu, cirit dh xde. Maybe sbb tu pakai BUTTer ok je. Time cirit ada, x bole pakai BUTTer. Sbb saya pakaikan gak BUTTer, x lama lps tu melecet balik diaper area Izz.
Time tu Izz was hospitalized and doctor suruh pakai zinc cream. Byk gile dia bg. Dia suruh salut bwh tu. Alhamdulillah OK, w/pun slow nk baik btul. At least Izz x nangis everytime tukar diaper. Zinc cream mmg sgt2 bagus as a barrier. I know that now.
Apa2 ubat pun, w/pun ingredient sama... x semua is effective as the other. Kena tgk kualiti jugak. Since I know that zinc cream is good for Izz, especially time dia cirit, I decided to look for the ultimate zinc cream. Not only as a good barrier, but helps with healing as well. Last2 I ordered from Amazon. Kwn Amnah tlg pos ke Malaysia. Sbb nk cepat, the shipping cost was more than double the product price. Lantak la kan. Kesian sgt tgk bontot Izz.
Alhamdulillah mmg berkesan utk Izz. xde la rasa rugi sgt. Since I bought the economy size, dpt la tub yg besar gedabak. Unfortunately expiry date bln 9 thn ni. Sabar je la Amazon bg stok lama. Cam siot je! Disbb kan tu, skarang ni tiap2 hari pakai Dr. Smith's. Itu pun rasa xkan sempat habiskan by Sept 2012. Haha. x kisah la.
I did mention nk start pakaikan Izz CD balik... so kalau ikutkan zinc cream mmg x CD friendly. Kalau nk pakai gak kena ada liner so that CD x kena the cream. Biasa la kan, bila dh mcm tu... mula la timbul rasa malas nk pakai liner bagai dgn CD. So saya decide carik diaper cream yg CD friendly. Bepanthen and CJ's BUTTer are diaper friendly tp both ada kelemahan masing2. I want something equivalent to Dr. Smith but CD friendly. Bole x? Haha. Google punye google, terbaca psl Grandma El's. Blm terbukti lg yg it's as good as Dr. Smith's tp kalau x cuba mana nk tau kan.
Kat Malaysia xde jual Grandma El's for the time being (ada 1 online shop jual tp dh habis stok). I bought this from Singapore and I got a discount. Lg murah dr yg jual kat US. Yay! Benda nye br smpi hari ni...bole la nk try mlm ni kalau nak. Itu pun kalau Izz berCD mlm ni. Kalau pakai Huggies, pakai Dr. Smith's sudah.
So that's my journey diapering Izz so far.
ReplyDeletenaufal pun seminggu dua da start nappy rash..kesian sangat, sampat merah2 abis diaper area dia tu..pas sapu bepanthen baru dia ok sket, tp still xcure lagi..dekat 2 minggu da pakai ni..and your entry kali ni mmg sgt membantu..nk search n try the creams utk naufal lak..
all this while, naufal pakai pocket cd i'm thinking nk tukar diaper stashes to cover + insert..maybe agak senang nak manage the cleaning..