Arghhhh tension! I didn't know that a cute (but not so tiny anymore) bundle of joy can have sooo many issues. Hahahaha...
Sejak masuk 1 thn, Izz kerap sakit. 1 reason sbb masuk taska. It is common knowledge that taska tmpt sick child to spread and share their germs. Itu pun kat taska Izz ada 10 babies/toddlers je. Just imagine kalau ada 30! Anyway, bila dh sakit... mcm2 hal la. Sejak warded hari tu, digestive system Izz dh haywire. Skarang ni apparently Izz lactose intolerant... maybe not permanently but temporarily. I read that "after severe diarrhea, a child may be lactose intolerant for 1 to 2 weeks". Patut la sejak discharge Izz blm bole minum normal formula. Asal bg susu biasa je, terus diarrhea. Since that's the case, I'm gonna put Izz on soy based formula for a month, just to be on the safe side. Next month br nk try normal milk again. Before this kitorg dh try bg Mamil Gold (diarrhea in 2 hours) and Anmum (diarrhea in 5 hours)... then xde try dh. Next month br try again.
Smlm bg Izz rasa sikit ice cream and chocolate... tgk2 diarrhea jugak. Kena avoid btul2 dairy products for now. Food yg low lactose like yogurt xde issue sgt... but the rest nmpk gaya mmg kena avoid. Padahal bg that ice cream and chocolate ciput je. Kalau perut dh x tahan, x bole tu x bole la makna nye.
Skarang kena stay on Isomil la nmpk gaya nya. Alhamdulillah Izz x kisah. Rasa x sedap pun minum ok je (pada dia sedap kot, but I don't like it). Bila baca lebih lg psl Isomil, I'm not so worried anymore. Sblm ni bila baca psl babies on soy based mcm x cukup nutrition, risau gak. Bila dok tnye around, ramai rupe2 nye budak2 yg lactose intolerant. Ada yg smpi 1 whole year on soy based. Ok je membesar semua. Harap2 Izz punye condition ni temporary je la. Kesian... ye la kan, kalau kena avoid dairy products all the time. Ni x bole mkn, tu x bole mkn... rugi ooo. Byk benda sedap are dairy products.
Sejak masuk 1 thn, Izz kerap sakit. 1 reason sbb masuk taska. It is common knowledge that taska tmpt sick child to spread and share their germs. Itu pun kat taska Izz ada 10 babies/toddlers je. Just imagine kalau ada 30! Anyway, bila dh sakit... mcm2 hal la. Sejak warded hari tu, digestive system Izz dh haywire. Skarang ni apparently Izz lactose intolerant... maybe not permanently but temporarily. I read that "after severe diarrhea, a child may be lactose intolerant for 1 to 2 weeks". Patut la sejak discharge Izz blm bole minum normal formula. Asal bg susu biasa je, terus diarrhea. Since that's the case, I'm gonna put Izz on soy based formula for a month, just to be on the safe side. Next month br nk try normal milk again. Before this kitorg dh try bg Mamil Gold (diarrhea in 2 hours) and Anmum (diarrhea in 5 hours)... then xde try dh. Next month br try again.
Smlm bg Izz rasa sikit ice cream and chocolate... tgk2 diarrhea jugak. Kena avoid btul2 dairy products for now. Food yg low lactose like yogurt xde issue sgt... but the rest nmpk gaya mmg kena avoid. Padahal bg that ice cream and chocolate ciput je. Kalau perut dh x tahan, x bole tu x bole la makna nye.
Skarang kena stay on Isomil la nmpk gaya nya. Alhamdulillah Izz x kisah. Rasa x sedap pun minum ok je (pada dia sedap kot, but I don't like it). Bila baca lebih lg psl Isomil, I'm not so worried anymore. Sblm ni bila baca psl babies on soy based mcm x cukup nutrition, risau gak. Bila dok tnye around, ramai rupe2 nye budak2 yg lactose intolerant. Ada yg smpi 1 whole year on soy based. Ok je membesar semua. Harap2 Izz punye condition ni temporary je la. Kesian... ye la kan, kalau kena avoid dairy products all the time. Ni x bole mkn, tu x bole mkn... rugi ooo. Byk benda sedap are dairy products.
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