Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Travel Plan...

This has been decided about a year ago. Lama kan... sbb bila kita travel berjemaah, mmg memerlukan planning. Plus, AirAsia airfare is always cheaper if you buy them early.

Destination: Gold Coast & Brisbane, Australia

This whole trip was actually initiated by a sister of mine yg nk jumpe penpal dia sejak zaman sekolah dulu if I'm not mistaken. Mmg dh lama berkawan tp x pernah berjumpe. So now they decided to meet. My adik bongsu ni of course la ajak my parents teman. xkan nk pegi sorg pulak kan. Dh la ke negara lain. My parents (MOM) yg mmg kaki jalan of course said yes. Then my other sister got to know of the plan and decided to tag along, with her husband. Dah tambah 2 org di situ. Then I know, and I decided to follow too. Dh tambah another 3 person (me, Zul and Izz). So from 3 people going, now it's 8. It would be another great family vacation if the rest of the family follow as well, tp that's not possible sbb masing2 dh ada commitment. Ada yg keje, and x bole cuti panjang and ada yg xde kat Malaysia pun. With that in mind, I made sure that myself, Zul and Izz join this trip sbb this could be the last (long distance) trip yg majority ada. Takut lps ni lg byk ahli x dpt join disebabkan commitment masing2. I hope I'm wrong though. Hehe. Kalau la btul, we could always go for cuti2 Malaysia.

Lama planning ni, what exactly did I do? Most of the time nothing sbb my adik bongsu and mom yg arrange everything. Diorg la dok google itu ini, find out tmpt nk pegi, tmpt nk tgk, tmpt nk stay, dan bermcm tempat lg la. Kalau x silap, this would be the FIRST trip kitorg without a tourist guide. Sblm ni mmg pakai tourist guide sbb senang. Dulu kalau berjalan, kitorg ni muda sgt lg. Majority budak kecik, so mmg x bole harap la nk decide itu ini. Now that semua dh besar panjang, lebih reliable. The only budak kecik in this trip would be Izz.

Basically now, semua preparation dh nk siap. Flight tickets bought, hotels booked, places to go to are decided, and last week... nk start buat visa. Semua dh ready and dh nak buat dh, tp my sister x pasti how exactly to put our name in the application. Nama melayu kan unik sikit dgn ada nya BIN/BINTI. So before she proceed with the application, ingat nk tnye pihak2 tertentu dulu. Called Embassy x jwb, tnye org itu ini semua xde response. Well, only 1 thing to say.... ALHAMDULILLAH. Why?? Sbb nye bila dia ckp mcm tu, I started to google. And thanks to other bloggers, I came across many ways to get the visa.

For Malaysians to enter Australia (as a tourist, for a short visit), we need to apply the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). This can be done online. This ETA is FREE but there is processing fee. Byk cara nk apply for this ETA, and different method has different processing fee
1. Thru Australia govt website - AUD20
2. - AUD9.95
3. Local travel agents - charges vary depending how much they want to charge

I chose the third method. I got the info from fellow bloggers that the cheapest way is through Cik Intan. She can be reached at Sgt2 efficient. I got the ETAs done in less than 24 hours. Her current rate is at RM20 per ETA. Mmg paling murah setakat ni. I recommend her service very much utk org yg prefer to communicate through email. Ada jugak bloggers yg recommend pegi je walk in ke mana2 local travel agents, and apply for the ETA. Diorg pun ada jugak yg charge RM20 per ETA. Sama je rate mcm Cik Intan. Tp kalau dh nk kena drive kluar, kan leceh. Dgn Cik Intan... duduk depan PC je.

So that's my contribution to the whole planning. I saved a lot of money for everyone. Kata keje finance :P

P/S: In case anyone is interested to know. I found out how Malay names are supposed to be filled in visa application. Refer HERE.

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