Sunday, April 22, 2012

Did you know... that babies can be temporarily lactose intolerant?

I didn't know this earlier but I do now. Izz had that condition in Feb when he had a really bad diarrhea (due to antibiotics taken when he was warded). His body simply cannot take any lactose. He would have diarrhea in just a few hours after consuming his milk formula. So we switched him to Isomil Plus (a nutritionally complete soy-based, lactose-free formula for children 1 to 10 years old). A doctor said that Izz may be temporarily lactose intolerant for up to 6 weeks, but I decided to play safe and he was on Isomil for about 2 months before we decided to try a normal formula again.

Since we already have Dupro, Anmum and Mamil Gold in stock, I decided to give him Mamil Gold to try. Yes, the most expensive one. Alhamdulillah his bowel system is OK with it. So that will be his formula from now onwards. The reason I pick Mamil Gold is because of the Immunoforce/Immunofortis which is said to help boost the immune system. InsyaAllah.

Dupro and Anmum have both found a new home and babies to consume them :)

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