Tuesday, April 23, 2013


KPJ and I have a longgg history. Hehe. Well, since I am from Kajang and KPJ Kajang is one of the prominent hospital there, and quite close to home as well... so we always go there if we needed a hospital to go to.

Back then (a few years ago), KPJ Kajang is a good hospital to go to. Not too many people, meaning the waiting time is not so bad, and the service is very good. Now... it's kind of not so good. It's not terrible all the time, but then again, it's not that good either. I have never been warded personally speaking (alhamdulillah), but close family members have been warded in KPJ Kajang and I find the service varies from time to time. Thankfully when Izz was warded there, the service was excellent. The fact that your child is unwell is already stressful enough. You don't need bad service to add up to the already-high stress level.

So far, Izz has gone to KPJ Kajang numerous times, and it happened twice that when Izz was advised to be warded but couldn't because there wasn't any empty bed. Full house! Luckily Izz wasn't in such a bad condition, and we could still manage at home. I was actually very glad that Izz wasn't warded (both times) because I know he prefers to be at home. And he was still active at the time so to me, being warded wasn't necessary. Anyway, KPJ Kajang is quite close to my parents' place so we could easily go back there if needed. BUT in case if he really needs to be warded and there wasn't any empty bed, then that's BAD!!

Intermission: Before I tried KPJ Kajang with Izz, I was always bringing him to Az-Zahrah in Bangi. Izz was warded there once and I find it very nice there. The Islamic enviroment is nice and the nurses are also mostly nice (there will always be one bad apple). But then after several more visits, especially to the normal clinic, I find the waiting time is RIDICULOUS. It was as bad as government clinics/hospitals. So I got fed up and immediately brought Izz to KPJ Kajang. After that, Az-Zahrah was no longer in our dictionary. It'll always be KPJ Kajang (if hospitals are involved).

Now I'm staying in Putra Heights, and the nearest hospital to home is KPJ Selangor (Shah Alam). Recently I started having pain on my knee and like before, I must go through some physiotherapy sessions, so I decided to be referred to KPJ Selangor (from Az-Zahrah). I find KPJ Selangor is good so far in terms of waiting time and service. I have completed my physio sessions and now seeing another specialist for some other problems that I'm having. Still, the waiting time and service is excellent. I am loving KPJ Selangor so far. Even though the building is old and not as nice as DEMC (this is the reason why Zul prefers DEMC btw), the waiting time is simply unebeatble. Maybe it's just my luck that I'm seeing the specialists with low number of patients... I just don't know, but I am thankful that I don't have to wait so long.

Please find below the summary of the waiting time for hospitals that I have experience with

Specialist clinic
Normal clinic @ emergency
KPJ Kajang
Slow – with or w/out appointment
KPJ Selangor
Fast – with or w/out appointment
No experience
Fast – with or w/out appointment
Slow like hell
Slowest – with or w/out appointment
Slow like hell

To conclude, if I need only a GP, I would prefer to go to a clinic not attached to a hospital. That would be a lot faster. No one in their right mind should wait so long just to see a GP. A specialist could be worth the wait, but not a GP. I'm not even willing to wait for specialists sometimes, which explains why I'd rather choose another hospital. Unless if you really want a particular doctor, then maybe you are willing to wait forever. For me, I don't really mind. If it comes to matters that I don't agree with their opinion, I can always seek 2nd, 3rd or 4th opinion. Essentially, they practise the same thing. It's as simple as that.

As for KPJ, I'll be going to KPJ Selangor again this coming Friday for my follow-up appointment... so I'll see you soon!

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